Stacy Wheeler
Elected Ecorse City Assessor
Assessment Administrative Services LLC
Contracted Assessing Services
Albert B. Buday Civic Center
3869 W. Jefferson Avenue
Ecorse, MI 48229
(313) 386-2400
Days: Tuesdays, Thursday, and Fridays
Hours: 8:30 am – 2:00 pm
The assessing department has the responsibility of making sure that all property that is taxable is being taxed. Our department works with Wayne County to make sure that all property that is taxable in the City of Ecorse is on the assessment roll. The State of Michigan Constitution requires that property be assessed at 50% of true case value. Proposal A was a constitutional amendment passed in 1994 that placed additional limits on the values used to calculate property taxes. Beginning in l995, property taxes were calculated by levying the mileage on the taxable value rather than the state equalized value.
The taxable value is the lesser of the capped value and the state equalized value. The capped value is calculated by taking the previous year’s taxable value, subtracting any losses from demolition then multiplying the inflation rate or 5% whichever is less, then adding any value for new construction. Taxes are calculated by multiplying taxable value times millage rate.
Notice of assessment changes are mailed annually at the end of February. This is a notice of the assessed value, taxable value and homestead status. Property owners can appeal their assessed value, capped value and homestead status to the March Board of Review.
Principal Residence Exemptions: Principal Residence Exemptions formerly known as Homestead exemption will give the property owner the exemption from school operating tax up to l8 mills. To obtain a principal residence status, the property must be owned and occupied by June 1st of the year claiming exemption. Michigan allows one Principal Residence exemption on the primary residence.
Business Personal Property : All businesses are required under MCL211.21 to file a personal property statement (form L-4175 or a personal property exemption) with the city in which the business has personal property by February 20th. The Michigan Constitution provides for the assessment of all real and tangible personal property not exempted by law.
July Board of Review
Meets the Tuesday after the 3rd Monday each year. NO APPEALS FOR ASSESSED VALUES WILL BE HEARD. Poverty Exemptions and mutual mistakes of fact and clerical errors will be corrected during this Board of Review.
December Board of Review
Meets the Tuesday after the 2nd Monday each year. NO APPEALS FOR ASSESSED VALUES WILL BE HEARD. Poverty Exemptions and mutual mistakes of fact and clerical errors will be corrected during this Board of Review.